5 Simple Movements To Do On An Airplane

Warmer weather is on the horizon and vacations are approaching us. I just returned from an amazing trip to Nicaragua but after 2 full days of traveling, in and out of airports and on connecting flights, my body was aching with tightness and tension. Long haul flights are really tough on the body. Cramped seats, limited movement for hours, terrible posture, and poor circulation all lead to creaky joints and body aches and pains.

Here are 5 EASY MOVEMENTS to do before, after, or during your flight to increase blood flow and keep you loose so you can step off the plane pain free!

#1 SEATED FIGURE 4 (Hold for 20 deep breaths per leg)

Tips: (1) Flex the foot of the leg in figure 4. (2) Keep chest up and moving forward. (3) Make sure hips are even on the seat.

Focus: Relieves tightness in the glutes, posterior and abductor muscle groups of the hips.



#2 SIDE WAIST & TRICEP STRETCH (Hold for 10 deep breaths per side)

Tips: (1) Place forearm behind the head and keep chin up so arm doesn’t push head forward. (2) Stand up straight and make sure to not rotate the chest. Lean laterally to the side.

Focus: Stretches side waist into outer hip and down side of the leg. Opens shoulder joint and backs of the arms. Increases length throughout the side body.



#3 FOOT ROLL (Roll 2 minutes per foot)

Tips: (1) Use a tennis ball or TP Therapy trigger point ball. For more intensity, try a lacrosse or golf ball. (2) Roll feet while seated for less pressure. Stand for more intensity. (3) Find a tender spot and stay on that spot. That’s the good stuff you want rolled out.

Focus: Myofascial release of all muscles and tendons of the feet. Reduces foot pain and helps with plantar fasciitis and calf tightness. Helps to increase circulation throughout the foot and lower leg.



#4 SEATED CAT & COW (Stay for 20 breaths)

Tips: (1) Start the movement from your pelvis (tucking and arching). (2) Breathe with every movement (inhale with cow, exhale with cat or vice versa).

Focus: Increases flexibility of the neck, shoulders, and spine. Also stretches hips, back, abdomen and chest. Movement helps to destress and promote circulation throughout the body.



#5 STANDING OR SEATED FORWARD BEND (Stay for 20 breaths)

Seated: (1) Bend the knees and keep chest on the legs. (2) Relax your head and neck and stretch arms forward and down.
Standing: (1) Bend the knees and keep chest on the legs while pulling yourself forward and down to toes. (2) Shift weight into mid-foot or balls of the feet (3) Use arms to help pull yourself down the legs.

Focus: Stretches posterior muscles of the body (entire back, glutes, calves, hamstrings, and neck).


Whether you’re traveling for work or on a vacation, the more time you spend on an airplane, the tighter your body will get. For those longer flights, try to get up every hour or so to stretch the legs out, perform these movements and bring circulation back to the body. Your body will thank you for it!

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