Julia Chan

4 Must Do’s After Every Workout

Your workouts do not end right after your last rep in an exercise. Don’t throw away all the hard work you put into an intense 60-90 minute workout by just going home and sitting on your couch. If you want to reap the rewards, incorporate these 4 essential steps in your post workout routine.



In any workout, your muscles are in a constant state of tension. Especially when strength training, the goal is to increase the time under tension in your muscles. With that comes tightness and some micro muscle tears which can lead to pain, soreness and stiffness. A stretch after your workouts can help to relieve tightness and increase range of motion. Especially for those who are not as flexible and focus on body building, a post workout stretch is especially important. Myofascial release with a foam roller will help to increase blood flow and circulation while lengthening the muscles and breaking up adhesions and knots. For best results, use a roller first to break up the tissue then go into the stretches. These active recovery methods will help you heal and recover for the next workout.
– These are my favorite rollers to use: Rumble Roller and Triggerpoint Therapy.
– Check out my past blog posts for some great stretches. #1 Hip Stretches #2 Twists  #3 Full body stretches 



The goal of a post workout nutrition is to replenish your energy storage, increase muscle size and/or quality, and repair any muscle damage from your workout. So the important macronutrients to replenish are your protein and carbohydrate storage. Protein will help to decrease muscle breakdown and repair any damage caused by the workout. Enjoying a post workout protein shake will help with protein synthesis so you can build back your muscles, decrease soreness, and improve recovery. Carbohydrates replace muscle glycogen and aids in the role of transporting nutrients to the cells. Best option for carbohydrates to enjoy post workout would be whole foods (non-starchy vegetables and fresh fruit). Your body starts to rebuild muscle as soon as your workout ends so the ideal window for protein and carbohydrate replenishment would be 45 min to an hour after your workout.

When eating the right foods for protein and carbohydrate, the essential micronutrients should be present as well. Key micronutrients to aid in recovery and muscle building are Vitamins C,A,K,B, and D and minerals such as selenium, sodium, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. However if you are not able to enjoy whole foods packed with these nutrients, then taking a multi-vitamin and supplements can help. Specific for post workout, magnesium is important for recovery. Magnesium is considered the “helper”molecule in several biochemical reactions in the body. It helps convert food into energy, to create protein from amino acids, aids to reduce inflammation, helps to regulate neurotransmitters, move blood sugar into the muscles and dispose of lactic acid and over 600 more body reactions. Taking a magnesium supplement or soaking in an Epsom salt bath will help to replenish low magnesium storage and promote faster recovery.

– This is my fave protein powder: Dr. Lipman’s Sustain Plant Protein or Whey Protein.
– My sources for Magnesium: Integrative Therapeutics Magnesium Malate and Calm Magnesium.



Proper hydration regulates body temperature, lubricates the joints, and helps the body function at its peak. When going through an intense workout, we can sweat out over 30-50 oz of fluid. So if you’re depleted and close to dehydration, your body will see signs of muscle weakness, cramping and spasming. Adequate hydration is essential to refill what you’ve just excreted so be sure to not only drink post workout but before and during. Drink 8oz or more of water 30 minutes before your workout, 8oz during, and 10-12 oz after is ideal.



Unlike active recovery, passive recovery is literally doing nothing but relaxing your body and allowing it to heal. Getting a massage, elevating your feet, relaxing in a steam room or infrared sauna, salt baths, acupuncture, cold chambers, ice compression, cold baths, and a night of restful sleep are great ways to recover. These methods allow the body to rest, decompress, reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and rebuild itself so you can heal and prepare for your next training session.


We all have fitness goals and are so focused on achieving them but if these elements are not part of your routine, then all your efforts in training and hitting those goals will be twice as hard. Make a checklist for yourself and keep these top of mind. It is just as, if not more, important than your training. Make the time for these “must do’s” so you show up 100% for each and every workout and keep your body healthy and strong.


Every body is different. If you’d like to learn more about how you can incorporate these methods and build a specific plan that fits your fitness and wellness goals, send me an email to schedule a complimentary online consultation.


Small Changes That Tested My Comfort Zones

It probably has to do with Spring…or maybe I’m bored …or just tired of the routine. Not exactly sure what it was but I had this yearning to shake things up. Although my days are never the same, I am a creature of habit and have a very structured and organized routine in place, especially with my diet and fitness.

So to fulfill this desire to uproot my norm, I’ve been working on these 4 small changes the past few months and I am loving it! Not only because I stepped out of my comfort zones but I began to experience all these subtle shifts, mindfully and physically, that affect me throughout my days in a positive way.





I’m addicted to coffee and have chosen to never live life without it. That overwhelming need for it really annoyed me. I hated the dependency and the longing I had for coffee every morning. I needed coffee ASAP otherwise I couldn’t function or I wasn’t at my best without it. That is such bull crap. That is the mental state and addiction talking, not the physical body. The morning is actually the worse time to drink coffee because our bodies naturally produce cortisol in the morning. Cortisol is the hormone that wakes us up and naturally carries us throughout the day. So it’s actually counter intuitive to have that morning cup of joe. You really don’t need it to wake you up, instead it confuses the body and will weaken the effect of caffeine leaving you with more of a dependency.

So I started having my cold brew coffee after 10am. In the beginning, it was incredibly difficult but as I stuck with it, I found myself forgetting to have coffee half way through my day and I was pleasantly shocked. When finally enjoying my cup, it became more of a treat rather than a need. There is not one day that goes by without coffee but I can say that I don’t need it to start my day and actually feel more awake during my morning sessions without it.



alarm clock

I used to use Sleep Cycle as my alarm clock and to track my sleep patterns. However the idea of having my phone so close to my head (cancer stories and scares) and recently reading Arianna Huffington’s Sleep Revolution, it was time to banish my phone from the bedroom and actually purchase a real alarm clock. This was one of the best small changes I’ve made. It’s forced me to disconnect once I’m in bed (and not take another glance at Facebook or Instagram) and not check my phone upon wakening. Instead I wake up (to birds chirping and a sunrise wake up light), do some light stretches, take a moment and express gratitude (for having open my eyes to live another day and all my blessings), then get ready to conquer the day. I don’t reach for my phone until I am about to leave my house. Therefore my morning is not cluttered with messages or emails that may seem urgent and don’t compare to having a peaceful start to my day.





One of my Buddhist teachers, Peter Doobinin, always teaches us to acknowledge our aversions and get out of our own way to face them. And how taking certain small steps lead to bigger changes in our lives that in turn connect us to others and humanity. He would always use the example of the awkward quiet ride in the elevator. You step into an elevator (probably looking at your phone) and don’t even glance or acknowledge who you share that space with. So I started putting my phone away, making eye contact with that person, saying hello, and smiling. I have had so many interesting conversations, met so many people, and had such lighthearted experiences that always leave a smile on my face when I step off the elevator. Not only just in an elevator, I try to speak to everyone around me in small tight spaces with the intention of simply connecting even in the smallest way…a smile. 🙂


#4  NO MEAT, PLEASE! (At least for now…)


After listening to Lewis Howe’s podcast interview with Russell Simmons, I began feeling a deeper sensitivity to animals, their slaughter for our feeding, and how their meat pollutes both the environment and our bodies. Plus so many other benefits to not eating meat that I started reading about. I suddenly became turned off by eating animal meat entirely. So there began my pescatarian stage and I’ve been at it for over 3 months. I must admit that I do miss a lean grass fed steak and a juicy burger from time to time but right now, I am enjoying the benefits of not eating animal meat.

Firstly, my hair grew 3 inches in 1 month (I KNOW!) and my skin glows more than it has since I was a teenager. I have had many ask about my skin care products and trust me, there is no secret serum. Secondly, I am digesting all other foods so much better. I don’t remember the last time I felt bloated or had any GI discomfort. I’ve also lost about 5 lbs without even trying. Not everyone will have the same response as I have but this has been my experience thus far. I am not saying that I will be pescatarian forever or even think of going vegetarian or vegan, nor do I judge anyone for eating meat. I am aware of all that meat has to offer. But for now I don’t mind eating meatless and continuing to reap the benefits.


I do like things in very specific order and way (so OCD!). Making these changes took some thinking and planning. I had to make sure I could commit and see it all the way through. If you catch yourself saying:

“Nah, I like doing it this way…” or
“This is the way I do it and it works for me…” or
“I need it…it’s just part of my routine.”

…then it may be time to step out of your own way and explore, experiment, and try something out of the norm. Consider making some small changes. Nothing major or permanent but something that will take you out of your normal routine and open your eyes to an entirely different angle of your day that you have never witnessed before. It may after all…be life changing.

5 Steps To Avoid Getting Sick

We are just a few weeks away from Spring so the weather can be very temperamental. One day we’re freezing in our down jackets the next day we’re in shorts and tee shirts. This transitional phase and crazy temperature swings can break down our immune system, making us susceptible to a cold or flu. Our bodies tell us when we’re on the verge of getting sick. So once those signs show up, don’t wait… try my emergency kit and drop kick that cold ASAP. Because who has time to get sick…NOT US!!

This is my 5-step program when my immune system needs a boost to battle:



The first signs of a cold (any and all symptoms), I run for Umcka and squeeze in a few drops repeatedly throughout the day. Best taken once the symptoms start to creep in, Umcka is homeopathic so it works safely with your body and no need to worry about side effects.



This healthful tonic which includes powerful healing compounds such as acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, probiotics and enzymes kill unwanted bacteria. It’s a crucial part of fighting off a dry, irritated sore throat before it evolves into an evil bronchial or chest infection. Also a good source of polyphenols, this fermented beverage provides numerous benefits to skin, digestion, immunity health, and helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases. Make sure to purchase it organic and raw (one that includes the “mother”. I like Bragg’s) and dilute with water (so not to burn your throat – as I learned the hard way). Gargle several times a day until your throat feels better or make this a part of your nightly routine, like my mama does.




How frustrating is this!? Breathing out of just one nostril (or worse…no nostrils) is a major inconvenience and makes functioning through your day so much more of a challenge. Nasal irrigation with a Neti Pot is not the most comfortable but very effective to thin out mucus, flush out and clear dry, crusted nasal passageways (EW!) so you can breathe again and avoid sinus infection. You do feel like you’re drowning and it’s a wet mess but bear through it and you will feel 100% better. For those with seasonal allergies, the Neti Pot will do wonders for you.



Anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antiseptic, antibacterial, and stimulating, are just some of the benefits of the eucalyptus leaf. It’s powerful medicinal benefits help to ease nasal congestion and help kill off the cold virus. You can apply eucalyptus essential oil (my fave is Olbas) directly on your nostrils or rub some in your palms and take a few deep inhalations through your nose. For those suffering major congestion, apply a few drops of the essential oil into a pot of boiling water. Place a towel over your head to trap the steam around you and take several deep breaths. You may need a break from time to time as the steam/heat can be very intense. But you will feel immediate relief, I promise you!




Sleep is one of the most powerful weapons we have against fighting the cold and flu bug. The hours you spend sleeping is the time when your body heals. Cells repairs during this time, hormones are released to promote tissue growth and reparation, your immune system is building back up so your energy levels increase. When you deprive yourself of sleep, you are not giving your body time to recharge so you can function at your best the next day. Every night before bed, I enjoy a cup of hot water with a whopping Tbsp of Calm Magnesium powder and make sure I get at least 6-7 hours of sleep. When you’re sick or for those days you’re feeling depleted, make sure to tuck yourself in earlier and get at least 8 hours of rest. It is vital to fend off illness.


There is no way we can function optimally at the levels we demand of ourselves every day when we’re run down and sick. With our daily schedules and responsibilities we want to show up 100% when we can. But when our bodies shut down from these annoying cold and flu bugs, our bodies are communicating to us to STOP AND TAKE CARE NOW! Remember, without our health we are NOTHING! These steps are easy…you just have to make the time for them. 🙂 TAKE CARE AND BE WELL!

3 Tips: How to Motivate Yourself to Work Out!

alternate hand to foot kicks

Now that we have reached mid January, we should have some plan in place to work towards our intentions and goals for this year. As every year, most new year goals are fitness or health related. But where do you start and how do you keep that momentum going? Check out my 3 tips featured on Garage Gym Planner  that will help (and keep) you motivated all year long and reaching your fitness goals!


Working with a partner or in a team keeps you focused and accountable in reaching any fitness goal. Nothing like having like-minded people support and motivate you!


Try a cleanse that will help support your workout routine. Consider eating clean and detox for 2-4 weeks. You will feel amazing and more than likely keep up with a cleaner lifestyle.


Think of an activity or workout you’ve always wanted to try, then do it. Make a list of all the things you’ve always wanted to do and have been making excuses why you haven’t done it.


For more motivational tips from other trainers and wellness experts on getting your workout in, check out their full article here.

My Thanksgiving Menu

The countdown has officially begun to Thanksgiving feast. So many are not only prepping to cook meals but also to gorge over 4,000 calories in one day. WHAT!? Crazy but true. But as someone who follows a gluten, dairy, and processed sugar free diet, I don’t let this holiday take over. Don’t get me wrong …I never skip a serving of my mom’s famous stuffing and a few slices (yes…a few!!) of pecan pie but like I always tell my clients “Everything in moderation!”

There are several ways to avoid binging and overeating on this special holiday. Start eating earlier in the day, have smaller portions throughout the day, exercise in between meals, etc. But what I like to do is bring a few healthful dishes so I can enjoy meals without the guilt including my mom’s stuffing and pie.

I’ve collected some great healthy recipes that are amazingly delicious to bring to the table. Check out what’s on my menu this Thanksgiving.


SWEET POTATO & KALE FRITTERS by Yes, More Please: makes 18-20 mini patties
1 large or 2 medium sweet potatoes steamed and pureed 
2 cups cooked quinoa
2 cups kale finely chopped
2 eggs
½ cup panko or any kind of plain bread crumbs (I use almond meal or brown rice flour)
1 teaspoon grated ginger
1 good pinch paprika or smoked paprika
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon kosher salt
4-6 tablespoons coconut oil
For Dipping Sauce:
¼ cup Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
pinch of salt
pinch of pepper
*In a small cup mix all ingredients and chill.
a. De-vein the kale, make it into a tight roll and chop chiffonade style.
b. In medium size bowl, mix all ingredients well.
c. In a medium size pan heat up about 4-6 tablespoons of coconut oil. Scoop small patties onto the pan and slightly flatten the tops. Cook for about 3-4 minutes on each side or until golden brown.
d. Cool on a rack and serve with a side of dipping sauce.

WALNUT PESTO DIP by The Couple’s Kitchen: Serves 10-12 ppl

2 cups whole walnuts, lightly toasted
1 cup (heaping) sundried tomatoes, packed in oil, roughly chopped
2 small to medium-sized cloves of garlic, chopped
1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves, chopped
1 cup parmesan cheese, grated (swap with manchego, nutritional yeast or skip cheese entirely)
Few twists freshly ground black pepper
Pinch kosher salt/sea salt
Good quality extra virgin olive oil, as needed

a. In the bowl of a food processor, add walnuts, sundried tomatoes, garlic, thyme, cheese, black pepper and salt. Pulse several times to combine. Stream in olive oil until the mixture comes together into a coarse, pebble-like texture. Avoid over mixing.
a. Serve with gluten free chips, crackers, or pita chips.

serves 4ppl

250 grams brussel sprouts
2 medium onions, chopped
1 Tbsp sesame seeds
¼ cup goji berries
4-5 Tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
a. Wash and half the brussels sprouts. Dry roast the sesame seeds in a non stick pan on medium high heat, for about 3-4 minutes. When you see them brown slightly, immediately remove and put in a bowl.
b. In a large pan, heat one tablespoon of olive oil and fry the onions, till golden brown and nicely caramelized (approx 5-7 min on high heat). Set aside.
c. In the same pan, add remaining olive oil and roast the brussels sprouts face down and then flip. Each side should take about 3-4 minutes on high heat.
d. Once all the brussels sprouts are done, add the onions back in. Add the toasted sesame seeds and add the goji berries last. Toss and stir!


CAULIFLOWER PESTO RISOTTO by Half Baked Harvest: serves 4
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 small onion, finely chopped
1 large or 2 small heads cauliflower, finely grated
2 cloves garlic, minced or grated
1/3 cup white wine
1 small bunch asparagus, cut into 1-2 inch sticks
1/2 cup veggie or chicken broth + more if needed
zest of 1 lemon
1/2 cup full-fat canned coconut milk
1/2-3/4 cup parmesan cheese (I use nutritional yeast)
2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
Cilantro-Basil Hemp Seed Pesto
1 cup fresh cilantro, finely chopped
3/4 cup fresh basil, finely chopped
1/2 cup raw hemp seeds
1/3 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 clove garlic, minced or grated
1/3 cup parmesan cheese (or nutritional yeast)
crushed red pepper, to taste
salt and pepper, to taste
Cilantro Basil Hemp Seed Pesto:
a. In a bowl, combine the cilantro, basil, hemp seeds, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, cheese or alternative, crushed red pepper and a pinch of both salt and pepper.
b. Taste and adjust the seasonings as needed. Add water to thin the pesto if desired.

a. Heat a large, high sided skillet over medium heat and add 2 tablespoons olive oil. Add the onion, season with salt and pepper, and cook until caramelized, about 8 minutes. Then add the cauliflower and the garlic, and season with salt and pepper. Cook for 2 more minutes.
b. Deglaze the pan with white wine and cook, stirring constantly, until the liquid is almost evaporated. Stir in the asparagus. Slowly pour in the veggie broth and coconut milk and bring to a simmer.
c. Cook until the cauliflower and asparagus are tender and “risotto” is nice and creamy, about 6 to 8 minutes.
d. Remove from heat, then add the lemon zest, cheese choice, parsley and a drizzle of olive oil.

VEGETABLE QUICHE from Gimme Some Oven: serves 8-12 servings
1 gluten free pie crust
1 Tbsp olive oil
3 handfuls fresh baby spinach, roughly chopped if desired
1 small white or yellow onion, chopped
1 red bell pepper, diced
5-10 asparagus spears, ends trimmed then chopped into 1 inch pieces
6 eggs
3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (or other non-dairy milk)
3 Tbsp all-purpose flour (I used rice or almond flour)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sweet paprika
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/4 tsp chipotle powder
1/8 tsp black pepper


a. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F.
b. Use a fork to poke a few holes in the bottom of the crust of unbaked pie crust, and bake it for 10 minutes. Remove and set aside.
c. Meanwhile heat oil in a large saute pan over medium-high heat. Add onions, chopped red peppers, and asparagus, and saute for 5 minutes, or until the onions are translucent and the asparagus is cooked. Remove from heat.
d. In a separate large bowl, whisk together eggs, flour, baking powder, rice or almond milk, salt, paprika, thyme, chipotle powder, and black pepper. Stir in the sauteed vegetables and fresh spinach, and stir until well combined.
e. Pour the egg and vegetable mixture into the pie crust, and use a spoon to even out the top. Place in oven and cook for 45-50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Quiche will rise while baking, but should settle back down once you remove it from the oven.
f. Remove from the oven and allow the quiche to set for at least 5 minutes. Then slice and serve immediately.


AVOCADO CHOCOLATE MOUSSE by Heart & Bowl: serves 2


1 large ripe avocado (or 2 small)
30g raw, unsweetened cocoa powder
60ml coconut milk (or any nut milk of your choice)
2 tbsp honey or maple syrup
1 tbsp coconut oil, melted
1 chunk of bittersweet dark chocolate, grated
2 tsp cocoa nibs (optional)

a. In a food processor, purée the avocado until smooth.
b. In a jug, combine the cocoa powder and milk until a smooth paste forms.
c. Add the cocoa and milk mixture to the avocado, along with the remaining ingredients.
d. Blend everything together until smooth and well combined.
e. Transfer the mixture into individual bowls and chill in the fridge until ready to serve.
f. Top with grated bittersweet dark chocolate and sprinkle over cocoa nibs.


Feel free to follow the recipes as they are (recipe links in the title) but I made some modifications to fit my gluten/dairy -free diet. These are all delicious and easy recipes to try this holiday. They also make great dishes for every day meals, too. Enjoy your feast in moderation then get to the gym after. HAPPY & HEALTHY THANKSGIVING!! 

3 Healthier and Delicious Alternatives to Cheese


Inflammation is a natural response our body goes through to heal. However, when there is too much inflammation, our immune system fights too hard and the body becomes susceptible to damage and disease.

Alongside gluten, alcohol and sugar, dairy is one of the most inflammatory foods in our diet. It causes so much inflammation resulting in digestive issues such as bloating, gas, problematic bowls, and can lead to other symptoms such as acne, allergies, and behavioral reactions.

Read my full article featured on Zhou Nutrition!

Workout at Work!

It can be tough to get in your workouts during the summer. Lots of travel plans, temptation of happy hour, or just choosing to bum around at the park, it’s inevitable that our workouts end up being last on our list. I admit that I’ve skipped a few workouts to hit the beach instead. So if your summer schedule is packed and you just can’t find the time…well there is hope!

If you’ve got just 15 minutes at work (and you know you do!), there’s no excuse not to sneak in a quick workout so you can at least maintain and keep your body fit. Try these exercises and stretches and build a mini workout in your office.



Sliding Split Squat

split squat chair

Stand up straight with one foot on a rolling chair. Start sliding the chair back as you bend the front knee into a right angle. Slightly lean your torso over the front leg but keep your back straight. Slide the chair back to the front leg, repeat, and switch leg. Try 3 sets of 15 repetitions. 


Push Ups

push up

Set your body up in a plank position against your desk with straight arms set shoulder width apart. Bend your elbows into a right angle lowering your body towards your desk, keeping elbows in line with the shoulders, then press yourself back up. Try 3 sets of 20-30 repetitions.




Place your chair slightly behind you to give yourself a boundary. Set your feet hip width apart, extend your arms straight, and begin to bend your knees moving your hips back towards the chair. Try not to sit fully into the chair instead tap the chair gently and then stand right back up. Make sure to keep your knees in line with your toes and don’t allow them to move past your toes when squatting. Try 3 sets of 20 repetitions.


Tricep Dips

tricep dips

Move your chair up against a wall or desk so it doesn’t move. Place your hands on the edge of your chair and extend your legs straight but keep your back close to the edge. Bend your elbows to a right angle, aligning the elbows with your shoudlers, then press yourself back up. To modify, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground. Try 3 sets of 15 repetitions. 


Walking Lunges

walking lunge

Take a big step forward bending both knees to a right angle. Then step the back leg forward next to the front leg or into the next lunge step. Make your way down a long hallway or just step forward and back in a smaller space. Make sure your front knee does not go past your toes. Take 40 lunge steps total (can be broken up into 4 sets of 10 steps)




Chest Stretch

chest stretch

Stand right next to a wall or filing cabinet and raise your arm back and up so your inner arm is resting against the wall. Try to keep your shoulders in line and your arm as straight as possible. Switch arms. Hold for 30-40 seconds. 


Figure 4 Hip Stretch

figure 4

Sitting in your chair, bend one knee and place the foot on the other knee. Make sure to flex the foot to stabilize the knee. Lean forward towards the top leg, keeping your spine straight with a slight arch in the lower back. Switch legs. Hold for 60 seconds each leg. 


Hip Flexor Stretch

low lunge

Set your legs up in a very long lunge making sure your front knee is right above the ankle and position the back knee as far back as you can while keeping your hips in a straight line. Drop your hips forward as you lift your chest up, placing your hands on your front knee to stabilize and assist with a straight back. Switch legs. Hold for 40-60 seconds each leg. 


Seated Spinal Twist

spinal twist

Sit up straight in your chair. Turn your torso to the right, keeping your hips anchored and rotating only at the waist. Hold on to the back of the chair and right knee to assist with a deeper twist.  Look over your right shoulder.  Make sure to keep a slight arch in the lower back and your upper back straight. Repeat on the left side. Hold for 30 seconds each side. 


These exercises and stretches can be done as many times as you’d like throughout the day. It doesn’t take any equipment or much space so really…there are no excuses. 🙂 Be desk-smart and use that space and time to the fullest and sneak it in that workout! Then you can hit the beach and all the happy hours you want guilt free! Happy Summer!

8 Minutes to a Stronger Core

Here’s a typical ab routine: 50 sit ups, 50 crunches, hold plank for 1 minute and repeat. A bit boring, redundant, and after some time…ineffective. There’s nothing wrong with those exercises but there is so much more to strengthening your core than crunches and planks.

Most equate the “core” with the abdominals, which is the outer most visible layer, of course, that’s when it’s not covered with fat :). But the core muscles extend far beyond the abs. The major core muscles lay deep beneath the exterior musculature that people typically train. These muscles are the pelvic floor, transversus abdominis, erector spinae, multifidus, internal and external obliques, quadratus lumborum and the rectus abdominis. The minor core muscles are the hip flexor muscle group, adductors, hamstrings, latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, and the trapezius. Basically, all the muscles that attach to the pelvis work together to functionally move, support, and stabilize the spine.


The core provides us with three dimensional functional movement which is more than just the lateral exercises most ab/core workouts include. Our daily activities include movements in all three planes: frontal (forward/back), sagittal (side to side), and transverse (rotation). Therefore we should train our core to be stronger while moving in those 3 planes, right? Right! So check out this quick and effective workout that will train your core front, back and around.



Break it down:
– Lay on stomach with arms extended alongside ears.
– Press the pubic bone into the floor to initiate a lift in the chest, arms, and legs.
– Engage back body muscles to lift higher and lower down with control.
– Reach fingers and toes in opposite direction to create length in the spine. Slight squeeze of the glutes and inner thighs to lift the legs up higher.

– Erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, hamstrings, adductors, glutes, and trapezius



Gliding elbow planks 1

Break it down: 
– Start in elbow plank aligning shoulders directly over the elbows, body parallel to the floor, forearms push against the floor to slightly round upper back, legs engaged, feet flexed.
– Slide shoulders forward so they glide past the elbows. Feet glide forward onto tip toes.
– Slide shoulders back so they move slightly behind elbows. Feet glide back onto the balls or mid foot.

– Rectus abdominis, multifidus, transversus abdominis, serratus anterior and posterior, pectorals, and deltoids.




Break it down:

– Lay on one side with hips slightly tilted forward. Relax head and neck and place arms under the head.
– Place a block in between the feet to keep adductors (inner thighs) engaged.
– Squeeze the block and engage obliques to lift both legs up. Try to relax upper body.

– Transversus abdominis, multifidus, external/internal obliques, and adductors




Break it down:
– Set up in side plank on the right side with shoulders directly positioned on top of the hand. Stagger feet so the right foot is in front of the left.
– Bend the left elbow to bring hand behind the head and open the chest.
– Push the floor away with the right hand to stabilize core and slightly lift right leg up towards abdomen.
– Move your left elbow across chest towards the leg so the elbow and knee connect in the middle.
– Release the foot back down while opening the chest.
– Repeat for 30 seconds then switch to the left side.

– Rectus abdominis, multifidus, internal/external obliques, quadriceps, deltoids, serratus anterior/posterior, transversus abdominis


Add these exercises to your routine and give your core a three dimensional workout. Targeting the front, back, and sides of your core will help you set up a stronger and more stable foundation. Your core becomes a force transfer center and stabilizer to assist you in all exercises and every day activities. The more you understand the muscles that make up your core, the more they will work. Training your entire core to work efficiently will help with balance and stability, a straighter spine, better posture, injury prevention and a stronger, more powerful you! Win Win! Now get to work! 


5 Stretches For Better Hip Mobility

In a general sense, mobility is the ability to move or be moved freely and easily. In the fitness world, mobility is being able to perform functional movement patterns without restrictions in range of motion (ROM)

The hip joint is the largest and one of the most important joints of the body. It bears our entire body weight when we walk, run, and jump.  Functionally, the hip joint is one of the most flexible joints and allows the greatest range of motion yet it’s also one of the tightest areas of the body and one that creates chronic and reverberating pain. It connects our upper and lower body so the muscles attached above and below the hip are affected by movements supported by this joint system. These movements require work from these muscles that stabilize and support and will place a certain level of force on the hip. The hip joint must accommodate these forces repeatedly. With repetitive motion, tightness occurs which create restrictions in the body. Mobility becomes challenging due to these limitations.

Open hips help to relieve back pain, improve circulation through the legs, increase agility and flexibility of your gait which all equates to better mobility.  The hips are also at the center of your body and alignment so releasing the hips will help to relieve tightness in areas above and below this ball and socket joint. Super important!

Here are 5 stretches to help you increase hip mobility. 



– Releasing tightness in the lower back especially for those that experience sciatica and LBP (lower back pain)
– Opening the hip flexors (psoas, rectus femoris, TFL) and the front chain of your body (rectus abdominis, pectoral muscles, side waists)
– Increasing ROM for faster and more agile movements

– Keep the front foot directly under the knee
– Slide back leg as far back as you can so you’re above the knee joint and not directly on the patella (knee bone)
– Try to connect back pinky toe to the floor (slight internal rotation of back leg)
– Draw the abdominals in to protect lower back when leaning back




– Stretching and releasing inner thighs while opening the hip flexors
– Increasing range of motion and gait for longer strides
– Opening the chest and shoulders

– Align the front knee directly above the foot
– Keep back leg as straight as you can. Drop the back knee to the floor to modify
– Keep chest lifted and back as flat as you can (avoid rounding upper back)
– Draw the front knee as close to the shoulder (midline) as you can




– Relieving chronic LBP and sciatica
– Opening the hip flexors and inner thighs
– Releasing tension and increase ROM in the hip rotator muscles (glute medius, glute minimus, piriformis, gemellis)
– Increasing circulation through the legs and digestive and reproductive systems

– Keep back leg as straight as you can
– Keep hips squared by placing each hip on its own side of the mat
– Keep front shin parallel to the front of your mat. Modify by propping your seat up with blankets or blocks
– Keep front foot flexed to stabilize the knee joint




– Releasing tension in the outer hips and lower back
– Opening all hip rotators muscles
– Stretches ankle joints

– Flex both feet to stabilize knees
– Cross legs at the knee joint
– Prop your seat up with blankets or blocks to modify
– Keep a straight back when leaning forward over the legs
– Breathe…this is a very intense hip stretch!




– Relieving tightness in LBP and sciatic pain
– Releasing hip flexors and rotators
– Increasing ROM for quicker and longer lateral movements

– Align both feet above and below the knees to form a triangle with both legs
– Flex both feet to stabilize knee joint
– Keep lower back slighted arched and back straight when leaning forward

*Hold each stretch for at least 20-30 deep and long breaths. I promise it gets easier, the longer you stay in the stretch.

The muscles and attachments of your hip joint are extremely strong, as they should be to keep this large joint stable. However this also makes stretching it a challenge! For those that sit all day long, your hips are in a constant state of flexion, so working on flexiblity and mobility is not to be overlooked. The tighter the hip, the less you use them. The less you use them, the tighter they get. Vicious cycle! So the more you release and open the hips, the more you can release tension and prevent restrictions…all leading to better mobility. We can all agree that we want to move without limitations and more importantly without pain. So the more mobile our bodies are, the faster we can move and feel good doing so.



3 Back Exercises You Should Be Doing!

At least once a day, I hear someone complain about pain in their lower back. Slipped or bulging discs, pinched nerves, back spasms, tightness, chronic pain…to name a few. With all the sitting, twisting, bending, and pounding we do on a daily basis, it’s hard to have a healthy and happy back. I can see how 3 out of 4 people have experienced some form of back pain, making it 90% of Americans with LBP (lower back pain).

The muscles of the back are very complex but yet divisible as each layer serves a specific purpose in movement.

  • Superficial Layer: attaches and moves the upper extremities
    • Trapezius
    • Latissimus Dorsi
    • Levator Scapulae
    • Rhomboid Group
  • Intermediate Layer: in charge of breathing and expansion as they are connected to the ribs
    • Serratus Posterior Group
  • Deep Layer: moves the trunk and supports the entire back
    • Spinalis
    • Multifidus
    • Longissimus
    • Iliocostalis
    • Splenius group

Due to high stress in our lives and the hours of sitting, it’s inevitable that our backs will start to change shape and adapt to the environment that we expose it to. Poor posture, weakness, tightness, and compensations are the common sides effect of poor functioning in the back. The importance of keeping your back strong and posture in alignment will absolutely help with your quality of life along with performing basic everyday movements and activities, particularly in exercise and sport.

Some great back exercises are the more common ones you will see at the gym.

  • Seated row
  • One arm row
  • Pull ups/ chin ups
  • Lat pulldowns

These exercises are definitely a part of my routine. But the 3 back exercises below target so much more than just the superficial layer of the back. They tap into all the layers and give your legs and core a workout and stretch, too.


#1 DEADLIFTS: Not only the quintessential weightlifting exercise but also an exercise that mimics a real life lift. Picking up your baby, a heavy box, luggage, a table, all should be in the form of a deadlift.


Important Form to Keep:

– Feet are set up hip width apart
– Slight natural arch in the lower back
– Chest up to avoid lower back rounding
– Hips go back first and then knees bend


#2 BENT OVER BARBELL ROWS: a full body compound exercise that works the upper and lower back, abs, hips, and arms. This exercise isolates these muscles to build a stronger and more muscular back.


Important Form to Keep: 

– Keep knees slightly bent
– Natural arch in the lower back
– Keep head neutral in line with your spine
– Keep your torso parallel to the floor. If need to, come up a few inches when pulling the back to the chest.
– Avoid thrusting hips forward when pulling heavier weight.


#3 SLIDING COBRA (BACK EXTENSIONS): a Pilates twist to the typical back extensions you see on the Roman Chair/Hyperextension bench. Use glides or small towels under each hand for easy sliding. Looks pretty easy and graceful until your third or fourth rep. 🙂 Works the upper and lower back plus the glutes, abs, obliques, hamstring, triceps while stretching and opening the chest. Sweet!


Important Form to Keep:
– Relax your shoulders and trapezius so there’s lots of space between your ears and shoulders
– Press your hips into the floor to initiate the lift
– Avoid squeezing glutes
– Squeeze shoulder blades together to keep chest open
– Keep head neutral in line with spine

Our back muscles are layered and multi-functional and most of them attach to our spine. Which is why they control so much of how we stand and why we experience LBP. We use these muscles daily and often demand more from them than they can handle. So build a strong back so the spine is in its proper and optimal position. This will also enable your body to move in a full range of motion through a strong foundation so restrictions won’t prevent you from doing a certain exercise, lifting a heavy object, or just moving throughout your day.  So if you don’t already incorporate these back exercises into your routine, now is the time!

Strong Backs = Better Postures! Get to it! 🙂 

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